The RAW Vision

RAW Honey Wellness seeks to transform society by dismantling chronic/generational patterns and introducing innovative, practical solutions that induce wellness, productivity, and excellence within the lifespan. We also seek to cultivate communities where all feel safe and equipped to thrive in our most authentic lives--individually and collectively. We are committed to equipping and empowering each participant to endeavor on their individualized journey to their greatest quality of life while feeling energized to reach a sense of holistic wellness. RAW Honey Wellness will curate healthier relationships, workspaces, and lifestyles.
As honey is a sweet treat to enjoy, it is also very healthy for your body. We know that it takes a long process for working bees to develop honey, so it is important to understand this when reaching your honey. It will be a process and it requires work, but how sweet will it be once you reach the goal? Additionally, honey is most beneficial when you consume from its rawest state—no additives, no extra sugar. Therefore, you will reach your healthiest point when you reach your truest self in the rawest form possible. Collectively, we will gain strategies in building aligned, authentic, well selves!
What we Value
Why We Exist
The purpose of RAW Honey Wellness is to eradicate the prevalence of generational wellness patterns that serve as barriers for the greatest opportunities of holistic success and well-being for the most-impacted communities. Through this, RH Wellness seeks to restore the collateral damage caused by biased systemic practices to ignite efficacy and implement individual, communal, and social excellence.
Pillars of Wellness
Our Commitment
We are committed to liberating the community through intentional and consistent engagement. We recognize the socially innovative approaches to use, and we will continually educate to provide awareness for the community, and activism towards the things that work against the community. We overall understand that true liberation activates in a space of holistic wellness, which is what we deliver.