I am.
Someone. I am me.
I was once a stroke on the life canvas,
But now I am the masterpiece.
I am a fighter. Once weakened and blinded,
Crippled by low uppercuts, decapitated by mind games,
But I never gave up. I just fight.
I’m not afraid.
Of the slander that attacks my namesake,
Or the obstacles that bind my paths.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I will heal.
Words may hurt me, but I will overcome.
I am mighty important!
I cannot failed or be failed.
I can say I’m the most hardworking person I know.
I know it’s true because my only competition to me.
I am invincible. I am character.
My losses are my gains, and my failures are my strengths.
My two steps back are Victory in the Kingdom.
I am favored.
I am no longer condemned of this world, but free in the spirit.
I am light.
I speak LIFE, upon my circumstances, my situations, my discrepancies,
To be flooded clean with the blood, and washed white as snow.
I will fear no more.
Ooooo, let the earth’s quiver when adversities come my way,
I am resilient.
Like a ferocious beast, I will prey upon the will of my flesh,
But like a subtle lamb, I will be humble in my spirit.
I am peace.
Which passeth all understanding, because His peace is within me.
I know no circumstance will drown me, and no enemy will rise above,
Because I am loved.
And because of this love I pass on more love,
To the ones who ain’t seen love,
To the neglected, and can’t show love,
The ones who took advantage of my love, I love above and say,
I love.
I am heart. I am soul. I am spirit.
I am a queen! Not by anything man made,
But the thorns that rested on Calvary.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made,
And anyone who finds me, finds a darn good thing.
I am beauty, because God has ordained my steps,
Becoming an elegant, meek dove with the spirit of fire,
I am grace, as been poured onto my life, I pour onto others.
Kindness, gentleness, patience, I seek, because He has been so to me.
I am worthy,
Of any privilege coming in my life.
No longer insecure, I am broadened,
Broadened beyond my horizons and higher than my heights.
I am wise.
Knowing that each day is another lesson of life,
And I’m working towards my PhD.
I am affluent,
Because I serve an omnipotent God, with omnipotent blessings,
I will forever walk and not be weary, run and not be faint.
YES, I am me. Developed, defined, and divine.
I am.